123 Days to Go!

May 2, 2016

123 Days-2

Since James proposed one starry Sri Lankan night back in November we have done zero wedding planning. We've been quite content just floating along in our little post engagement bubble.  If you don't know that post engagement glow then I suggest you go out right now and propose because it is the best!

Anyhow, last Friday morning, we were sitting in bed drinking coffee and we decided (for a number of reasons) that we should really be setting a date. I've always liked the idea of a September wedding but September 2017 seemed like a long time to wait. We toyed with the idea of a September 2016 wedding for approximately a minute before deciding that it could, and should be done.

If you follow me on social media then you will know that I'm ever so slightly obsessed with the Costa Sisters. Their work continues to blow my mind and I've always said that I would book my wedding date around their availability.

Turns out they're available on September 3rd.

So here we are...123 days to go and a wedding to plan.